Välkommen till Polynews – personaltidningen för Polykemi Group! Här får du ta del av alla nyheter, insikter och berättelser från vår värld av kundanpassade plastcompounds. En plats där vi lyfter fram det fantastiska arbete som våra medarbetare och partners utför varje dag.
Plastic Applications &
Processing Specialist
Glenn Arvidsson
+46 411 797 44
One step ahead with simulation
A simulation provides you with a clear picture of how a plastic material will behave in your particular tools. A simulation at an early stage enables you to adjust both material and tools in good time before you even order your new tools.
Our technicians are highly skilled and have extensive experience of simulations. We also have a certain ability to help you with simulations on demand.
Plastic Applications &
Processing Specialist
Glenn Arvidsson
+46 411 797 44
Plastic Applications &
Processing Specialist
Glenn Arvidsson
+46 411 797 44