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Press Room

In our press room, you as a journalist or partner can find logos, images, and videos to assist you in your work. You will also find our press releases here. If you are looking for material not published here, please feel free to contact us. 

Marketing & Communication Manager

Jessica Rosén

+46 411 797 73

Mia Persson Webb
Marketing & Communication Coordinator

Mia Persson

+46 411 797 29

Press Releases

Stay updated with our latest press releases about products, future plans, collaborations, and more.

Download Materials Here

Here you will find our materials available for you as a journalist or partner. Contact us if you cannot find what you need.

Press kit

Vårt pressrum erbjuder ett omfattande presskit som innehåller företagsfakta, bilder och logotyper, vilket du enkelt kan ladda ner.

Ladda ner fullständigt press kit
Polykemi logo landscape blue.png