Technical support

Customized consulting
Personal customer support
We’re with you through material selection, implementation, optimization and production. With Polykemi, you benefit from a personal contact who gets to know your operation. You get a technically knowledgeable advisor who knows your process and is aware of the standards your material must always meet.

Color samples and consultation
Color matching
Working with you, we do a meticulous job of finding the right color and shade for your plastic material. We have excellent means of matching an existing color, developing samples as required or independently recommending suitable alternatives based on the end product’s application.

Material evaluation
Simulations & test runs
We produce simulation data for scenarios where it is especially important for you to see in advance how a material will behave in your tools. We can also test-run a material together with you on your premises to make sure it performs optimally in your tools.
Your partner for advice
We want to learn everything about your product and what you need to achieve the best results. That’s why we work closely with you throughout the process from initial concept to the finished product. We offer ongoing feedback, personal contacts, technical advisors on site and training for anyone wanting to learn more.
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In-depth know-how
As technology advances, we continue training our experts in a number of areas to make sure our customers always receive the very latest advice and guidance. We pay particular attention to the areas of sustainability, materials science and testing.
As our customer, you have the opportunity to benefit from our expertise at first hand. Get in touch with your contact and let us tell you more about how we can tailor training and seminars to increase your knowledge in a desired area.
Your choice of material can play a significant part in your sustainability efforts. Under our Materialsmart concept, we can demonstrate how small changes can have big effects.
Basic material science can provide a deeper understanding of various materials and their properties, potential and limitations.
Current knowledge in the field of color, gloss and structure; how properties interact and the color selection possibilities different materials provide.